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Having recently been invited by a dear friend to spend a week at a beautiful cabin on the North Shore of Lake Superior, I’m reminding ...

Thursday, December 27, 2012


About thirty years ago my aunt gave a letter written in German by my great-great grandfather Hilarius in 1889.  He was nearing the end of his life, but he was compelled to write to his son and daughter-in-law after an accident that involved their daughter.  Just recently I re-discovered the letter in my belongings, and was eager to get an accurate translation of it. Although I know some German, I couldn't begin to read the older German script, as beautiful as it was.  Thanks to my friend Heinz, who enlisted his sister and the mother of a friend of hers in Germany, I now know in detail what Hilarius wrote.  From his other writings which were translated into English by his children, I know what a kind, tender man he was.  My grandmother was much like him. I think he would be pleased today to see that he and his family are remembered.  Because I have a strong interest in genealogy, I'm thrilled to have this letter and the translation of it and be able to share it with others. 

Lieber Joseph und Delia!

Wir haben Euren Brief vom 29. November erhalten, aber die Nachricht, dass Euer

Ida verunglückt ist, hat uns alle mit Entsetzen erfüllt. Besonders die Mutter, die sagt
noch immer, es ist doch zu hart für das arme Kind, und wir bedauern Euch von
Herzen, und Ihr müsst Euch trösten und probieren es ja schnell zu vergessen als es
Denn wenn Ihr Euch zu Tode quält, wird es doch nicht anders. Den einen Trost könnt
Ihr haben, dass es keine Schmerzen hatte nach dem Verbrennen, denn solches
habe ich gesehen bei dem Peter Klinkner seinem Kinde, welches derselbe auf die
allerähnliche Art verloren hat.
Aber besonders möchte ich zu Delia sagen, dass es sich keine Vorwürfe machen
soll, als wenn es dieses oder jenes getan hätte, so wäre es nicht geschehen. Denn
wir wissen doch alle, dass Delia seine Kinder so gut verpflegt, als es eine Mutter tun
kann. Nur durch einen unglücklicheren Zufall ist es so gekommen. Wenn es Dir
möglich ist, diesen Winter zu uns zu kommen, ist uns lieb. Wir haben auch Platz für
Deine Pferde im Pferdestall. Ich wünsche sehr, wenn Du zu uns kommst, denn ich
möchte über Sachen mit Dir sprechen, was ich nicht gut schreiben kann.
Die Brunnenmacher sind schon 100 Fuß tief – auch haben wir schon etliche Tage
Wasser darin 15 Fuß.
Gruß von uns allen,
besonders von der Mutter und Vater
H. Rondorf

Dear Joseph and Delia!
We received your letter from November 29, but the message that your Ida had an 
accident filled all of us with horror. Especially the mother, who still says that it is much 
too difficult for the poor child and we feel sorry for you with all of our hearts, and you 
must console each other and try to forget it as soon as possible.
If you torture yourself to death, that will not change anything anyway. Because you 
have one consolation, that it felt no pain after being burned, because I have seen 
that with Peter Klinkner’s child, who lost it in a very similar manner.
But I want to say especially to Delia that she should not accuse herself, that this would 
not have happened if she had done this or that. Because we all know that Delia took 
care of her children as well as a mother could. Only because of an unfortunate accident 
did it turn out this way. If it would be possible for you to come during this winter, we 
would love that. We also have room for your horses in the stable. I wish very much that 
you will come to us because I want to talk to you about things which I cannot write about 
very well. The workers of the well are already 100 feet down – but we have already water 
in it 15 feet.
Wishes from all of us,
Especially from the mother and father
H. Rondorf

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