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Having recently been invited by a dear friend to spend a week at a beautiful cabin on the North Shore of Lake Superior, I’m reminding ...

Saturday, January 10, 2015


I've never professed to be a great dancer; in fact, as a teenager I often felt uncomfortable going to dance halls to meet potential dance partners.  It just wasn't my thing, for various reasons.  But at age 66, my four-year old grandson and little buddy Ben has me re-thinking issues of self-consciousness that have hung around me for years.  He has dance moves like I never imagined, and no hesitation in showing them. I took notice, and something got into me this morning as I drove him to preschool. I started movin' and a shakin' in the car and singing silly little songs to match.  He started laughing like crazy and even noticed my ease in "letting go."  I think I surprised him a bit, and it was darned good fun! It even made the two of us forget about the bitterly cold weather for a few minutes.

It's funny how as adults we often think that we have to look good or "be cool" in a certain way, often being worried about how we look to others.  It's hard to let go of that, but Ben is my inspiration because he just laughs and enjoys the moment.  I need to practice that a whole lot more!