Is there ever any doubt? Minnesotans, no matter what the season, often see winter in the rear view mirror. I laughed heartily at the dad who, upon entering a restaurant with his two young girls, on a beautiful fall day, reminded them: "It's a beautiful day, WINTER IS COMING!" In other words, appreciate the warmth and beauty of fall, but don't get too caught up in it. Keep a snow shovel handy! And so it is at the house where I live. The snow shovel sits in plain view near the front door. It's probably a reminder, although perhaps unconsciously, that about 20 years ago we had a major October blizzard with over 25 inches of snow in two days. I remember it well, and thinking at the time that it would be one long, difficult, and ugly winter. But instead, it was just the opposite--very little snow after that freakish October storm, and unusually mild temperatures, even in January.
So, with all those thoughts in mind, here are some remembrances of this spectacular and unusual fall, and a recent challenging, but elegant winter. And at photo journey's end, perhaps you can see that the autumn colors weren't about to take a back seat to winter. I assure you, they'll never fade in MY memory!

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Why do Minnesotans always make it out as if winter in Minnesota presents the absolute worst living conditions anywhere on this planet, that people must be crazy to live here? I rather live here and deal with the cold, even though the general perception of how cold it gets here is vastly exaggerated. Compared to other places people think are so much superior, we don't have earthquakes, we don't have mudslides, we don't have our houses consumed by wild fires or lava flows, if it snows, traffic and other daily essentials don't come to a halt for two or three days. we don't have to suffer through 100, 110,120 plus temperatures during the summer, we don't have hurricanes or often just as bad Nor'easters, We have one of the highest standards of living in this country, we have as good or better medical care than anywhere in the country - the Mayo Clinic was just rated the best hospital in the country, we have ample water supply because we don't live in a damn desert, as a matter of fact, the state slogan of "Land of 10 thousand lakes" is misleading because there are actually closer to 15 thousand lakes... Do I need to go on? And, yes, Minnesota is a blue state. Beat that!