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Having recently been invited by a dear friend to spend a week at a beautiful cabin on the North Shore of Lake Superior, I’m reminding ...

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


There are times when I contemplate what it would be like to live in a small town again.  The Wisconsin town I grew up in had a population of only 1,013.  It didn't seem small at the time, maybe because much larger cities like Milwaukee and Chicago were far away, and we rarely got there.  They seemed drastically different and scared me in some ways--the houses were often close together, the traffic impossible, and scores of people everywhere.  At least when we drove to Milwaukee to watch the Braves play baseball, we had a purpose.

The street I lived on was called Butternut Street.  I've always had a fascination with how streets were named, but I've never figured that one out.  Across the street was an empty field where I played ball for hours at a time.  A block away was a neat and well-maintained ball field with an old grandstand that was classy looking, at least in my mind. 

Driving back to my hometown this past summer, I could still visualize that wonderful old grandstand, which was torn down long ago.  The town has since doubled in size and includes many beautiful new homes, but most of my old landmarks are gone.  Across from my father's furniture store, where I sometimes helped out, was a charming old drugstore where I'd often sit at the counter drinking my favorite cherry phosphates.  No way to describe them!  I don't know if you can still buy a cherry phosphate, but they were truly unique! 

In many ways I had an idyllic childhood in that little town.  One year my dad paid the astoundingly low price of $40 for a family membership at a small country golf course just 13 miles away.  It was good for an entire year!  I played there often with my family and friends.  Of course my friends and I rarely missed a stop at the local root beer stand afterwards. 

And there was ice skating at the local Boy Scout cabin rink, just a block away from my home.  I remember sprint races there, as well as warming up by the fireplace in the cabin.  The hot chocolate provided was a delicious added treat.  But I also remember sitting by the floor register when I came home, hoping that my feet would thaw out soon, and wondering why it was so incredibly painful.  I vowed not to wait so long the next time, but it was rarely different.  A passage of childhood, I guess. 

And of course I remember my mother feeling obliged, because of her Norwegian heritage, to make Lutefisk and Lefse, our once a year Norwegian treat.  My oldest brother and I thought it was delicious, but for days afterwards, our house had a "distinct smell."  The little Norwegian plates made by a neighbor adorned our kitchen and made that special Norwegian food seem even more authentic.

In 1966, when I graduated from high school, there were only 44 students in my class. Fast forward 25 years when my oldest son graduated from a suburban high school in Minneapolis, which had over 2,000 students--twice the size of my whole town. How different our experiences of growing up have been.  He's lived most of his life in large metropolitan areas, but thankfully he does have an appreciation of small towns and the unique and different lifestyle they offer. 

As for myself, I feel like I've truly been blessed to have experienced two different life paths.  Minneapolis has been my home for over 45 years, and it's still fun and exciting for me, with wonderful lakes and parks, sporting venues, theaters, shopping, and the opportunity to meet new people every day.  But I find myself sometimes yearning for a quieter pace, fewer cars and people, and more time to "take it all in."  My wandering spirit has returned.  At times the grass is looking a little greener on the other side, but perhaps it's only temporary.  Cher, the famous American singer and actress once said, "If grass can grow through cement, love can find you at any time in your life."  Taking in that enticing piece of wisdom, I'm eager to embrace a new and special person in my life, as well as fresh faces and new challenges. 

I know that upcoming birthdays at my age (65) cause one to reflect more than usual, and I might be the poster child for that.  But as President Lincoln once said, "In the end, it's not the years in your life that count.  It's the life in your years." I cherish the thought!


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Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Is there ever any doubt?  Minnesotans, no matter what the season, often see winter in the rear view mirror.  I laughed heartily at the dad who, upon entering a restaurant with his two young girls, on a beautiful fall day, reminded them:  "It's a beautiful day, WINTER IS COMING!" In other words, appreciate the warmth and beauty of fall, but don't get too caught up in it. Keep a snow shovel handy! And so it is at the house where I live.  The snow shovel sits in plain view near the front door.  It's probably a reminder, although perhaps unconsciously, that about 20 years ago we had a major October blizzard with over 25 inches of snow in two days.  I remember it well, and thinking at the time that it would be one long, difficult, and ugly winter. But instead, it was just the opposite--very little snow after that freakish October storm, and unusually mild temperatures, even in January.

So, with all those thoughts in mind, here are some remembrances of this spectacular and unusual fall, and a recent challenging, but elegant winter.  And at photo journey's end, perhaps you can see that the autumn colors weren't about to take a back seat to winter. I assure you, they'll never fade in MY memory!


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Wednesday, October 22, 2014


If Abigail Adams, wife of former President John Adams were alive today, she would no doubt be saying much the same thing.  Some things don't change a lot over time in government, even during a span of 200 years.  Abigail was a very wise woman, as were many of our First Ladies.  And rarely do they get the credit they deserve.  So, here in their own words are important thoughts to ponder.

Barbara Bush:  "I hate the fact that people think "compromise" is a dirty word."

And something more personal from that same First Lady:  "At the end of your life, you will never regret not having passed one more test, not winning one more verdict or not closing one more deal.  You will regret time not spent with a husband, a friend, a child, or a parent."

Martha Washington:  "I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself.  For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by circumstances, but by our disposition."

Jackie Kennedy:  "I think that I should have known that he (Jack) was magic all along.  I did know it, but I should have guessed that it would be too much to ask to grow   old with and see our children grow up together.  So now he is a legend when he would have preferred to be a man."

Jackie Kennedy:  "If you bungle raising your children, I don't think whatever else you do matters very much."

Betty Ford:  "The search for human freedom can never be complete without freedom for women."

Lady Bird Johnson:  "Become so wrapped up in something that you forget to be afraid."

Lady Bird Johnson:  "Perhaps no place in any community is so totally democratic as the town library.  The only entrance requirement is interest."

Rosalynn Carter:  "If we have not achieved our early dreams, we must either find new ones or see what we can salvage from the old."

Michelle Obama:  "One of the lessons that I grew up with was to always stay true to yourself, and never let what somebody else says distract you from your goals.  And so when I hear about negative and false attacks, I really don't invest any energy in them because I know who I am."

Eleanor Roosevelt:  "A woman is like a tea bag--you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water."

Eleanor Roosevelt--When you cease to make a contribution, you begin to die."

And finally, Florence Harding, wife of former President Warren Harding, offered a bit of comic relief when she said, "Well, Warren Harding, I have got you the presidency.  What are you going to do with it?"


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Lately I've realized that what I crave more than anything is time for introspection, time to walk nature paths by myself or with a dear friend.  I used to joke that maybe Fall was my favorite time of the year.  Now I know it to be a certainty!  There's a melancholy feel in the air, when you realize that you don't have "forever," and that life is sweet, but oh, so fragile.  Today was cooler than predicted, with winds swirling about and the leaves dancing to the beat.  I loved it, and so did a few other hearty souls.  We had a special bond, and yet we barely spoke. Smiles were enough! 

ON THIS DAY I thought of wonderful children that I had cared for and brought to parks and lakes for fun and unique experiences. I always hoped that they would remember those days fondly.  ON THIS DAY I thought of a childhood friend who was deprived of those experiences, and yet somehow I believe she knows that she's forever in my thoughts.  And ON THIS DAY, as I visited one of my favorite parks and walked the path along the lake, I thought of a young man who recently lost his life while kayaking there.  I thought about him a lot, even though I didn't know him. 

Here are some of the photos I took along the way, on this
melancholy day.


Friday, October 17, 2014


One of the most famous architects of the world, and a Wisconsin native, spoke often about nature and what it meant to him.  He frequently returned to Spring Green, Wisconsin, a beautiful and wonderfully spiritual part of Wisconsin, where he grew up.  He once said, "I go to nature every day for inspiration in the day's work." Recently I've felt that need more than ever, and nothing makes me feel so complete as a walk in the woods, a stroll along a river or lake, or a solitary path where I can gather my thoughts. It has now become a necessity. As Lorraine Anderson once said, "Nature has been for me, for as long as I remember, a source of solace, inspiration, adventure, and delight; a home, a teacher, a companion."

With those thoughts in mind, here are some additional photographs I took recently, while out in nature.  I hope you find them enjoyable, as well as inspirational. I think Anne Frank was very wise when she said, "The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely, or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet along with the heavens, nature, and God." I have often heeded that advice.


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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

It's Like an Oasis in the Desert!

Yesterday a good friend and I wanted to enjoy the beautiful fall colors, so we explored Fish Lake Park, along with Weaver Lake Park, in a northwestern Minnesota suburb. As we were walking along Fish Lake, an elderly gentleman with a plaid shirt and a Scottish-looking hat caught our attention.  I told my friend that I was sure he was from Scotland. A few moments later he seemed thrilled to tell us that these trees were different from many he remembered in Scotland.  And then he added, "It's so beautiful, like an oasis in the desert." And indeed it felt like it!  As my friend and I walked through the woods, we marveled at the spectacular fall colors and recorded some of the sounds of the forest.  A very memorable day!  If only one didn't have to say goodbye a few hours later. 


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Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Within the last week I started reading an inspiring and thought-provoking book about reinventing and reimagining your life, however you might see it.  It's titled Your Life Calling.  The author is Jane Pauley, a well-known American television personality for many years. I found it fascinating to read about endless ways that people have changed their lives to become more passionate, more involved, and more "real." They might have even been enjoying the work they were involved in, but for various reasons, they sought a change, or a way of making an impact in some meaningful way, and often less stressful.  And it might have wound up being much different than they had ever envisioned.  Sometimes it might have been a serendipitous discovery--completely unexpected or by accident.

As I seek to make changes in my own life, I've become more "open" to exploring different possibilities.  It's helped me enormously to take long walks daily and spend time by myself out in nature.  It's amazing how much clearer your mind gets and what thoughts appear when you have the time and space to dream of other possibilities. Many years ago a close friend gave me a simple, but very special book called Happiness Is Everywhere.  It starts out by asking, "Where does happiness come from?  What makes happiness start?  Perhaps it's just doing what we like to do. Sometimes happiness comes without warning. And when happiness seems to be nowhere around, remember . . . .it's waiting just to be found." So simple, but so wonderfully true!  It doesn't take something magical to figure it out, just a quiet space and an open heart.

Here are a few simple pictures from my nature walk today and one of Gully, my passionate ponderer.  Just looking at him puts me in a happy place.  Hope it does the same for you!


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Monday, October 6, 2014


The woman who shared those sentiments was Katherine Patterson.  She most certainly was describing someone very near and dear to my heart--my Aunt Ellen, who truly turned disasters and heartache in her life into countless positives.

Many years ago Ellen had a stillborn baby named Arthur.  I can only imagine the hopes and dreams she had for him, as well as her husband, and the life they planned.  He also died suddenly, and her life was forever changed.

Ellen turned that heartbreak into abundant love for her many nieces and nephews.  There were constant letters and cards and simple sayings, stickers about nature, and poems about nearly every subject.  How she loved poetry, and enjoyed sharing it!  She was patient, non-judgmental, unselfish, unbelievably kind, "open," trusting, and unafraid.  She didn't "harp" on others mistakes or misguided paths.  Trust was the dominant word in her vocabulary, and she practiced it often. And she had a lively sense of humor.

Rarely does one meet someone with such a pure heart,  who can always find a way "to turn disaster into butter," as Katherine Patterson suggested.  I did, and I say a prayer of gratitude nearly every day, that Aunt Ellen was a part of my life.


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Please make payments via PayPal at Lynda.clark84@yahoo.com

Friday, October 3, 2014


Baseball needs a little "jazzing up" these days, to be sure, but I've always loved the game, some days more than others.  Since my mother turned me into a Milwaukee Braves fan in the early 1950's,
I was hooked!  How could I not be with Hammerin' Hank Aaron on my team, and a star left-handed pitcher named Warren Spahn. The 1957 Braves won the World Series, and the state of Wisconsin went crazy.  Lucky for me that our family subscribed to the Milwaukee Journal at that time, so I could read all I wanted about my baseball heroes.  I collected thousands of baseball cards and tried to emulate the players on that wildly popular team as I raced out my front door and ran onto the ball field across the street from my house. I felt nearly invincible until one day a line drive nailed my knee. It was a stinging pain, but there's a reason for an old expression called "take one for the team."

In a few months major league baseball will be exploring the idea of implementing major changes to speed up the game.  I'm looking forward to that.  Baseball is a very traditional game, but like football, sometimes changes become necessary.  And of course I'm all for events that add fun to the game.  The Milwaukee Brewers now have sausage races with large costumed characters at the end of the sixth inning during every home game.  They are quite hilarious!  The Brewers have included the event for over  20 years,
and have expanded the sausage favorites to a bratwurst, polish sausage, hot dog, and chorizo.  It's a natural fun event since Milwaukee is well-known for its sausages and beer. 

And then there's the Atlanta Braves event called A Bark in the Park, which features dogs of all types.  I had never heard of it until my son, who lives a couple of hours from Atlanta, clued me in.  He and my daughter-in-law had a great time taking Hank, their golden lab, to the ballpark.  It's become a yearly event, and is very popular.  Dogs receive a variety of treats, as well as an opportunity to enjoy doggie pools.  They might need a little help filling out the scorecard, however.

This was the year I thought my team, the Milwaukee Brewers, would pull off the season's upset and finish ahead of the St. Louis Cardinals, the perennial power.  It was not to be!  A huge disappointment, but an exceedingly fun year!  Until the last few games the Brewers still had a chance to make the playoffs.  I loved following the team and the exciting new players, as well as their awesome honorary mascot, Hank the dog.  It was a fun year, and once again, nearly three million Brewers fans filled the stadium.  Now that the season is over, I'm cheering for other teams to make the World Series, the highlight of the baseball season.  Not only is October my fall favorite, it's nearly every baseball fan's favorite month.  It's when unexpected heroes show up and shine in the World Series.  Who doesn't love an underdog!

Here are some "choice" baseball quotes from a variety of players and fans of the game.  Enjoy!

     "Now I've had everything except the thrill of watching Babe Ruth play."  (superstar Joe DiMaggio)

     "I don't want them to forget Ruth.  I just want them to remember me."  (Hank Aaron, beloved star of the Milwaukee Braves and Atlanta Braves).

     "Trying to sneak a pitch past Hank Aaron is like trying to sneak the sunrise past a rooster."  (Joe Adcock, Milwaukee Braves slugger who once hit four home runs in one game.  I can attest to it since I listened to that game.)

     "I want to be remembered as a ballplayer who gave all he had to give."  (Roberto Clemente, a superstar outfielder for the Pittsburgh Pirates, who died in a plane crash in 1973, as he was attempting to deliver supplies to a relief effort.)

     "All winter long, I can't wait for baseball.  It gets you back to doing the stuff you love and makes you wish the youthfulness of life could stay with you forever."  (Tommy John, former ace major league pitcher.)

     "I knew we were in for a long season when we lined up for the national anthem on opening day and one of my players said, 'Every time I hear that song I have a bad game.'  (Jim Leyland, former top major league manager.)  To be sure, it helps to maintain an abundance of good humor as a manager.

So, in another month, baseball will have crowned a new champion, and other major sports will reign supreme. I'll be watching!  Mom would be proud!!


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Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Picasso, the extraordinary Spanish painter, who lived much of his life in France, made some fascinating comments and observations over his long life, but perhaps my favorite was, "It takes a long time to become young."  I wholeheartedly agree!  He added that we are born as artists, but it's a real trick to remain one. 

Picasso was an enormously talented and popular painter of the twentieth century, but perhaps it's not as well known that he was very talented, even as a child.  He was born in 1881 and died in 1973.  I've always been fascinated by his works and his views about life.  Let me share some of them.

"The important thing is to create.  Nothing else matters.  Creation is all."

"The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls."

"Painting is just another way of keeping a diary."

"Everything you can imagine is real."

"I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

"Never permit a dichotomy to rule your life, a dichotomy in which you hate what you do so you can have pleasure in your spare time. Look for a situation in which your work will give you as much happiness as your spare time."

"My mother said to me, "If you are a soldier, you will become a general.  If you are a monk, you will become the Pope.  Instead, I was a painter, and became Picasso."


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