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Having recently been invited by a dear friend to spend a week at a beautiful cabin on the North Shore of Lake Superior, I’m reminding ...

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


It’s a gorgeous sunny day here in the Twin Cities, although chilly, and yet a recent disappointment was getting me “down.”  I spent the morning entertaining grandchildren on spring break from school and working on a computer project, but just didn’t feel like my usual “perky” self.  I felt a little uninspired.  And then a few moments later I looked out the large back window of the dining room and saw five beautiful deer next door in the neighbor’s large backyard, surrounded by trees. There were deer tracks all over our yard, so it was obvious that at some point they had jumped the fence. It’s a very peaceful spot and these beautiful animals seemed very contented.  They were just lying in the snow or walking around and at one point I felt like they were staring right at me.  They could see a lot of things from their lofty perch, including the county park nearby.  It seems that whenever I need a reminder of the beauty of everyday life, nature offers it.  As I was looking in amazement at the deer, I heard a cardinal singing.  Simple joys, but wonderfully uplifting.  It changed my day!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds so much better than my day spent trying to input orders for Thirty-One Gifts and trying to balance a couple of check books. That wasted my entire day and I still didn't get at any of the cleaning I wanted to do. :(
    I would so much rather deer in my backyard than rabbits that eat my plants to the ground. :(
