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Having recently been invited by a dear friend to spend a week at a beautiful cabin on the North Shore of Lake Superior, I’m reminding ...

Friday, August 3, 2012


My eight-year old grandson had his first sleepover last night with some school friends celebrating a birthday.  When his sister and I picked him up we got into a big discussion about how boys’ and girls’ sleepovers differ.  My ten-year old granddaughter said that girls just want to gossip and talk about dates, at which point I completely misunderstood and then spoke up ignorantly, wondering why she was talking about aches. I guess my advancing age (63) is diminishing my hearing and getting the best of me. She soon set me straight, but I was having fun picturing women in their 60’s-80’s having a raucous time at an adult sleepover.  A novel idea, although mistaken.  I’d love to have photos of that unusual adventure.  Morgan thought I was just being silly, goofy grandma again.  She still reminds me of my second grade skirmish with Eloise and time spent after school as punishment.  Her words, “Who DOES that Grandma?” make me laugh and want to apologize every time she brings it up. 

Ethan can’t believe that girls waste time gossiping, when they could be busy playing games or talking about sports.  He was happy to come home with first and second place ribbons from bike races.  He thinks that boys are a notch above because they don’t get into that silly gossip stuff, but Morgan argues her case well, as usual.

Today it’s Morgan’s turn for a sleepover with a friend.  Such excitement and anticipation, and I get caught up in it too.  I remember a few sleepovers from my own childhood.  My brother’s room had a cozy, unique closet, and although it was small, it was long and easy and fun to hang out in and read or play games or crawl through the closet to my room.  There was an old bear rug that we could rest on while snacking on yummy treats.  It was a magical hideout for sure. I’d give anything to see that one-of-a-kind closet again.

Spending major time with my grandchildren not only reminds me of the spontaneous joy of laughing out loud, but also the childhood memories that had been long tucked away.  And what fun to be able to share those memories and take a little kidding in stride.  I do believe I’m getting younger every day, at least on this particular day.  Thank goodness for sleepovers, even though there's not much sleep involved, whether it's girls or boys!


  1. I remember sleepovers fondly. My adult version is going to a crop and scrapbooking, eating, and gossiping until midnight. Afterall, who can stay up later than that at my age.
