me photographing the lake

May Sarton, an exceptional American writer once said, “Whatever peace I know rests in the natural world, in feeling myself a part of it in a small way.” On various travels to Lake Superior and northern Minnesota, I’ve felt more at peace with myself than anywhere else in the world. It’s vast and serene, rugged and scary at times, and yet a magnificent and joyous place to read and reflect and be part of nature. I cherish the opportunities to get away from the busyness and sometimes craziness of city life. There are times when I visualize myself being lucky enough to live near this lovely Great Lake, far away from masses of people and the constant bombardment of news, which seems so important at any given moment. The truth is that when I stand on the shores of that magnificent lake, I don’t care about anything else. At that moment it’s a perfect world, mesmerizing and beautiful and glorious and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. It’s always difficult to leave, but I try to carry a part of it with me and remember what Walt Whitman once wrote: “To me the sea is a continual miracle, the fishes that swim—the rocks—the motion of the waves—the ships with men in them. What stranger miracles are there?” Lake Superior is a miracle of nature and I'm supremely blessed to live within a day's drive of its shores.
Remembering the words of another famous American writer of the 1800’s, Ralph Waldo Emerson, I’m happy to share some photos of earlier times visiting Lake Superior and recording some of its beauty and splendor.
my little chipmunk buddy
“Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful; for beauty is God’s handwriting—a wayside sacrament.”
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