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Having recently been invited by a dear friend to spend a week at a beautiful cabin on the North Shore of Lake Superior, I’m reminding ...

Sunday, June 17, 2018


One thing I know for sure is that getting out in nature calms me down in miraculous ways and revives my spirit. Two days ago I left my restlessness behind and headed to Minneapolis and Eloise Butler
Wildflower Garden and Bird Sanctuary.  Right on the edge of beautiful Theodore Wirth Parkway and the winding paths
around multiple Minneapolis lakes, it's yet another reminder to
me why I've lived in Minneapolis for nearly 50 years.  It has the number one park system in the entire country and the lakes are incredible.  But starting out my adventure at Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden was absolutely perfect.  It's like walking into a fairy tale.

Eloise Butler, for whom the park is named, is remembered as a student of nature who taught botany to Minneapolis students for 36 years.  She grew up in rural Maine and brought her love of plants and wildflowers to Minneapolis.  How lucky were the students of that era.  They ventured out into the area around Theodore Wirth Park to explore and
become nature sleuths. What an amazing teacher they had!  And how lucky are those of us who can follow her trails and feel her presence in that magnificent park.  I never have to second guess why I choose to go there. 

Following that, I drove along the winding lake roads of Cedar Lake and on to Lake Harriet, my favorite Twin Cities lake.  I spent several hours there,
sitting near the lake, being an observer of adults and children
 who walked and rode bikes and scooters and often smiled
at me and mentioned what a beautiful day it was. I discovered one woman who was in her own little world fishing along the shore. And how could one resist watching the ducks while eating an ice cream.  Minneapolis is indeed a joyous place to be in summer. 

Saturday, May 26, 2018


This past winter in Minnesota was incredibly long, and just when the calendar turned to April and we thought the snow had ended until at least November, we were shocked to experience even more massive amounts of snow. It went on and on for days. And Minnesotans were not happy!! I noticed a growing number of glum faces about town.  The consensus was, "Enough is enough!"

And then came the delightful month of May.  For a short time it truly felt like spring had arrived.  The temperatures were moderate and invigorating. And all of a sudden it was green everywhere.  But all too soon spring disappeared and summer arrived. And I mean ARRIVED!! Minnesotans are used to adapting to the unpredictability of the weather in this region, but this change was greeted with mixed blessings.  My apartment building still had the heat turned on when people started talking about air conditioning.  My apartment, I discovered, had a broken air conditioner and rapidly turned into a steamy sauna--89 degrees F. and humid.  It felt unbearable.  I had a hard time focusing on anything. Thankfully my children came to the rescue and provided me with a wonderful new air conditioner.  And now, unlike six weeks ago when snow was everywhere, heat advisories became the norm.  We are not exactly

used to temperatures in the 90's in May with uncomfortable humidity, but adapt we must, and appreciate the beauty of our lush
green surroundings and wonderful parks and lakes.  Over the last week or so I've had fun taking pictures of the look and feel of summer in spring.  Yes, it is incredibly hot, but the reality is that spring in Minnesota after a long winter
is like a budding romance--with nature.

Here are some recent photos to show the beauty of our new reality.

Just keep the snow away for many a day to come.  We can only handle so much!! 

Sunday, January 28, 2018


As one who jumps with excitement at the mere thought of traveling anywhere in the U.S. and beyond, I've loved photographing different sights along the way.  Photography is a relatively new hobby for me, and I don't own an expensive camera, but I sure have fun clicking away with the one I have. 

Here are just a few of my highlights of 2017.  It was a
wonderful year for travel,
near and far--thanks to kind
and generous family and friends!!

Make your own kind of music, and ENJOY!!


J.K. ROWLING, the author of countless Harry Potter stories,
once commented, "Always have a vivid imagination, for you never know when you might need it." My imagination stops me in my tracks at times, especially when it comes to animals. I might not even be thinking of them, and then all of a sudden . . . . they show up in UNEXPECTED FORMS.

 And sometimes when I show other people photos of what I've observed, they have very different impressions. To me it's fascinating.

Here are some fun photos I took of my intriguing, unusual animals, followed by other more conventional, real ones. I hope you have a vivid imagination too, and an appreciation of animals.